International Trainers’ Society for Management and Business Acumen-ITSMBA is a platform for non-formal, non-accredited skill training and development for developing trainers in the field of business and management. It has global presence as a web based platform for skill training providers in business and management field. They provide their services to organized as well as unorganized sector. This platform is a support structure for management and business trainers’ community. This community collaborates with business establishments effecting their growth and expansion through quality enhancement and professional excellence. ITSMBA is committed to train and develop individuals to become powerful workforce and leadership of trainers those can contribute to the industry and shift employability scenario at the marketplace. The prime objective of this platform is to provide opportunities to youth to explore and develop their career as skill trainers for business and management after completing their formal education. People completing their formal education get a platform to train themselves with essential practical skills, which drive today’s businesses or start-ups. It provides ample opportunities for learners to develop themselves as future leaders of the business world.
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